The Paris and District Pipe Band  offers a wide range of performances from full Pipe Band (18-20 musicians) to Mini-Band (8-12 musicians).

To enquire about booking the Band, please contact us.

The Band regularly recruits experienced pipers and drummers for events and competitions as well as beginners. Guest players are also more than welcome. Please contact us for more information.

Désolé pour la difficulté du captcha mais nous recevons beaucoup de spams / Sorry about the difficult Captcha but we get a lot of spams

Band Practice

Band Practice is held  twice weekly, on Tuesday evenings and Saturday afternoons.

Tuesdays:  8:00pm – 10:00pm
Saturdays: 2:00pm – 6:00pm


Tuesdays: Groupe Scolaire Langevin – Wallon, 8 Rue  Henri Gatinot, 92320 CHATILLON. (15 min. walk from Metro Station “Châtillon-Montrouge”   – – Paris Metro Line N° 13)

Saturdays: Centre de loisirs Jean-Jack Salles,  10 Avenue du Président Robert Schuman, 93260  LES LILAS.  (10 min. walk from Metro Station “Mairie des Lilas”  – Paris Metro Line N° 11)

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